Film about Sinegorye in India - poster

Film about Sinegorye in India - poster

Very soon in a beautiful city Jaipur one of the largest Indian festivals will take place Jaipur International Film Festival . A caring Indian film festival sent us a poster about the screening of a film about Sinegorye “Fine Line” at your event.

Director of the film about Sinegorye Anna Barsukova :

Indian friends are extremely attentive to their participants.
Keep in touch regularly and share news. And what good news!
It turned out, at the film “Fine Line” as many as four awards,
not two, as we thought earlier! Pleasant! Thank you!

Anna Barsukova's film received winner status in four categories.:

  1. Best Feature Documentary
  2. Best Original Screenplay
  3. Best Sound and Editing
  4. Best Cinematography Award

Афиша - фильм о Синегорье в Индии, режиссёр Анна Барсукова
Movie link
Афиша - фильм о Синегорье в Индии, режиссёр Анна Барсукова

You can read about the festival in articles. previously published:
