9 мая: Священный день Победы! Кино и немцы: взгляни правде в глаза!
= Москва. Акция «Огонь памяти» = У Кремлёвской стены в Александровском саду возле «Могилы Неизвестного Солдата» 3 мая 2024г. стартовала ...
Fine Line: Anna Barsukova's film won a festival in India
The film "Fine Line" received the status of winner at the prestigious Jaipur International Film Festival in India.. Film by Anna Barsukova on Jaipur ...
A film about Sinegorye will be shown in California: While. The film “Fine Line” is nominated for an award in Los Angeles
In February 2024 The first annual A Royal Chance Film Festival will take place in California this year. - ARCFF (Russian. «Королевский шанс»). Film "Between" ...
Screening of the film "Fine Line" in Jaipur: India insistently invites you to the red carpet
= Jaipur International Film Festival (JIFF) = The film “Fine Line” was once again included in the list of festival competitors in ...
"Fine Line" in Asia: The film about Kolyma was appreciated in India. Cultural exchange: India – Russia.
= Bilateral cooperation = India is a country with a rich history and great potential for international cooperation. From the latest news it becomes clear, ...