Articles - Anna Barsukova


Священный день Победы! Кино и немцы: взгляни правде в глаза!

9 мая: Священный день Победы! Кино и немцы: взгляни правде в глаза!

= Москва. Акция «Огонь памяти» = У Кремлёвской стены в Александровском саду возле «Могилы Неизвестного Солдата» 3 мая 2024г. стартовала ...
Anna Barsukova's film won a festival in India

Fine Line: Anna Barsukova's film won a festival in India

The film "Fine Line" received the status of winner at the prestigious Jaipur International Film Festival in India.. Film by Anna Barsukova on Jaipur ...
While. The film “Fine Line” is nominated for an award in Los Angeles

A film about Sinegorye will be shown in California: While. The film “Fine Line” is nominated for an award in Los Angeles

In February 2024 The first annual A Royal Chance Film Festival will take place in California this year. - ARCFF (Russian. «Королевский шанс»). Film "Between" ...
film director Anna Barsukova

Screening of the film "Fine Line" in Jaipur: India insistently invites you to the red carpet

= Jaipur International Film Festival (JIFF) = The film “Fine Line” was once again included in the list of festival competitors in ...
The film about Kolyma was appreciated in India. Cultural exchange: India – Russia.

"Fine Line" in Asia: The film about Kolyma was appreciated in India. Cultural exchange: India – Russia.

= Bilateral cooperation = India is a country with a rich history and great potential for international cooperation. From the latest news it becomes clear, ...